Communication Policy
- We endeavour to answer all genuine messages and comments which we receive, response times will depend on capacity.
- We can be contacted in relation to all of the nutritional services which we offer, including: online nutrition consultations and groups. nutrition consultancy, nutrition and health writing and comments and quotes for the media.
- We cannot provide individual nutritional advice unless we have completed a full nutritional assessment (see ‘our 1:1 Services Page and Clinic FAQs for more information). However we may discuss population level health advice, the evidence base in relation to nutrition and where appropriate we may signpost to relevant resources or sources of support.
- We do not respond to: offensive, attacking or irrelevant comments/messages, or to comments/messages with no connection to nutrition/dietetics. This type of comment may be deleted, and if deemed necessary the police may also be contacted (for example in cases of threatening or inappropriate communication).
- If contacted in relation to a topic which falls outside of our scope of practice, we will be upfront about this and may signpost to another professional who has expertise in that specific area.
- Where appropriate, we may continue a conversation via email or private message rather than on a social media platform.
Last Reviewed April 2024