About Us

We are a team of qualified dietitians with a passion for supporting people to heal their relationship with food.

The food struggles we support can be anywhere on the spectrum from food anxiety, chronic dieting, disordered eating or a diagnosed eating disorder. All eating difficulties are valid and deserving of support.

We also have additional training and expertise in a broad range of nutrition-related areas, such as body image, psychological tools and behaviour change, gut health and IBS, women’s health, fertility, sport’s nutrition, heart health, allergies and more.

Our aim is to help you achieve a peaceful, free and flexible relationship with food.

Our dietitians work in an evidence-based, compassionate, person-centred and non-diet way.

You are the expert of your own life, so we are there to support and empower you, rather than just telling you what to do. Think of us as your tour guide, there alongside you on your journey to a more peaceful relationship with food.

Maeve Hanan, Lead Dietitian & Founder of Dietetically Speaking

*Limited Availability*

Maeve has over 11 years of experience as a Dietitian in a range of public and private healthcare settings, including more than 4 years in the NHS.

Since she began Dietetically Speaking and started sharing nutrition messages online in 2015 she noticed how unhelpful so many of the messages about nutrition, weight and health are. This leaves many people feeling confused with a very black and white ‘good vs. bad’ mindset. In turn, this can lead to a number of eating difficulties like restriction, food guilt, comforting eating and binging. So this experience, along with her long-standing interest in the psychological side of nutrition, led Maeve to specialise in supporting those who have developed a difficult relationship with food.

Qualifications & Training:

  • First Class Honours Degree in Dietetics (BSc Hons Dietetics, University of Ulster Coleraine).
  • Registered Dietitian* with the Health and Care Professionals Council in the UK (HCPC, membership number: DT27185) and also with the Social Care Professionals Council in Ireland (CORU, membership number:  DI037648). 
  • Completed the British Dietetic Association (BDA) Advanced Mental Health in Eating Disorders training course. 
  • Training in Intuitive Eating for Healthcare Professionals and Nutrition Counselling by the London Centre for Intuitive Eating.
  • Training in Guided Self-Help for Eating Difficulties from My Transitions (a company created by experienced Psychologists and Dietitians).
  • Health Psychology Training For Nutrition Professionals by Spectrum Mental Health. 
  • Behaviour change training including Motivational Interviewing (MI) and Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT) from Behaviour Change Training and other training days and shadowing from Clinical Psychologists in the NHS.  
  • Training on the use of a low FODMAP diet for IBS by Monash University.


  • Private Practice Dietitian: Has worked with a wide variety of nutritional concerns in different private nutrition clinics, including the Talia Cecchele Nutrition Clinic (Eating Disorder Specialist Clinic), the London Centre for Intuitive Eating, Orla Walsh Nutrition, the Dublin Nutrition Centre and of course the Dietetically Speaking Clinic.
  • Mental Health Bank Specialist Dietitian in the NHS: This involved working temporarily with a specialist mental health team with a variety of eating difficulties.
  • Paediatric Dietitian in the NHS: Working with all age groups (and their families) from newborn babies up to 18 years olds with a variety of nutritional concerns, including fussy eating and eating disorders. 
  • Stroke Specialist Dietitian in the NHS: Supporting patients with nutrition rehabilitation in hospital and at home after having a stroke.
  • General Dietitian in the UK National Health Service (NHS): Working on hospital wards and in out-patient clinics supporting people with nutritional concerns such as malnutrition, tube feeding, healthy eating, heart disease, nutritional deficiencies (like low iron levels), Type 2 diabetes and gut issues like IBS and IBD.
  • Varied nutrition communication experience: Including social media work, lecturing College/University students, providing wellness webinars, health writing, blogging and working with companies and the media.

Social Media:

Sarah Idakwo, Registered Dietitian

*Currently Accepting New Clients*

Having battled an eating disorder herself, Sarah has dedicated her career to supporting women and children to recover from disordered eating and heal their relationship with food. With a focus on Intuitive Eating, body image healing and weight-inclusive, trauma-informed care she holds a safe and non-judgemental space for her clients and encourages achievable health behaviours and genuine self-care, not numbers on the scale. Sarah is committed to staying up-to-date with the latest research so you can trust that you or your child are in good hands on this journey of healing and self-discovery.

Qualifications & Training:

  • Registered Dietitian*
  • First class honours degree in Dietetics (BSc Hons Dietetics, University of Plymouth)
  • British Dietetic Association (BDA) Masters in Paediatrics – Module 1
  • British Dietetic Association (BDA) Advanced Dietetics in Eating Disorders Course
  • Nutrition Counselling for Eating Disorders 3.0 – Marci Evans Food and Body Image Training
  • Body Image Training the Missing Piece of Whole Body Healing – Marci Evans Food and Body Image Training
  • Intuitive Eating Fundamentals by Christy Harrison
  • Intuitive Eating PRO Skills Training with Evelyn Tribole – Intuitive Eating Counsellor Training Ongoing
  • The Advanced Master Program on the Treatment of Trauma – National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioural Medicine
  • ARFID Training by the University of Winchester


  • Lead Paediatric Eating disorder dietitian (NHS, May 2023- Present)
  • Adult eating disorder dietitian (NHS, September 2022-Present)
  • Paediatric community dietitian (NHS, August 2021- March 2023)

Kirsty Wood, Registered Dietitian

*Currently Accepting New Clients*

Kirsty is a food freedom, gut health and fertility dietitian. She loves helping people to discover food freedom and supporting people in navigating their unique intuitive eating journey. She prides herself on doing the best she can for others and has a weight-inclusive, non-judgemental and holistic approach.

Qualifications & Training:

  • Registered Dietitian*
  • BSc in Nutrition & Dietetics
  • Intuitive Eating PRO Skills Training with Evelyn Tribole
  • Nutrition Plus – Preconception and Fertility Nutrition
  • King’s College London – Low FODMAP Trained


  • Freelance food freedom, gut health and fertility dietitian (since 2020)
  • Senior Dietitian in the NHS – over 4 years NHS experience

*Registered Dietitian is a legally protected title that ensures we are appropriately qualified to assess, diagnose and treat dietary and nutritional problems with both individuals and on a wider public-health level. Maintaining this registration also involves staying up to date with the latest nutritional science and acting in an ethical and professional manner. 

If you are interested in seeing one of our Dietitians in clinic check out our clinic page or email info@dieteticallyspeaking.clinic

For all other enquiries, email: maeve@dieteticallyspeaking.com

This page was last updated in January 2025